Music Awards.

Music Schools, Music Departments, and Music Institutions

Institutions that specialize in the study, training, and research of music across the world which may include conservatories, university and college schools of music, community colleges, community music schools, neighborhood music education centers, and organizations and individuals offering private instruction.

Types of Music Schools

Conservatories: A conservatory provides solely dedicates their resources to developing professional musicians. Strenuous and extremely competitive, conservatories have strict quota systems that limit the number of students accepted, and students will be musicians. Conservatories always requires an audition as part of the application oprocess. The Bachelor of Music (B.M.) degree is the primary undergraduate program for most conservatories, and music is the only major offered.

University and College Schools of Music: Generally have a significantly larger breadth of academic offerings than conservatories, and require music students to take the same the same core courses as all other students. Students can either minor in or get additional education in non-music fields. Many will also allow students to pursue a double major, study abroad, collaborate with internationally acclaimed artists, and complete a major research project. In addition to developing professional musicians, schools of music may also train students in fields that include songwriting, music therapy, composition, business, music education, music therapy, production and engineering, electronic production and design, and more. Undergraduate students can earn a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Sciences, or a Bachelor of Music degree (though not all schools of music offer all three degrees). Most require you apply prior to auditioning.

Types Of Music Degrees

Bachelor Of Music: an undergraduate degree usually providing core courses in music theory, ear training, music history and performance. Degree specializations generally include composition, instrumental performance, vocal performance, music education and music technology. Almost exclusively offered at conservatories and music departments at universities.

Bachelor Of Arts in Music: an undergraduate degree that combines in-depth music courses with a broader liberal arts curriculum. Generally not performance-focused. You can also obtain a music business degree with this degree for students who want to work in music production, artist development, or media distribution.

Bachelor Of Science in Music: an undergraduate degree that combines substantial musical training with a complementary subject such as management, marketing or production. Degree specializations generally include music performance, music composition, and mMusic theory.

Bachelor Of Fine Arts in Music: a specialized undergraduate degree that prepares students for careers in music often by encouraging students to pursue interdisciplinary studies with dance, visual arts, film and other art forms and often requires students to take courses in English and the social sciences and humanities.

Master Of Arts in Music: a graduate degree that allows students to deepen their understanding of various aspects of music and level up their musical skills. Specializations may include instrument or voice performance, composition, music theory, musicology, conducting, music education, and music therapy. Generally requires a written thesis or another final project demonstrating the student’ expertise by creating a composition portfolio, performance, or combination of the two.

Master Of Arts in Music: a graduate degree that allows students to deepen their understanding of various aspects of music and level up their musical skills. Specializations may include instrument or voice performance, composition, music theory, musicology, conducting, music education, and music therapy. Generally requires a written thesis or another final project demonstrating the student’ expertise by creating a composition portfolio, performance, or combination of the two. Specialization may include performance, composition, music theory and analysis, and music education. Typical admission requirements include holding a bachelor’s degree in music or a related field, submitting official transcripts, meeting the minimum GPA requirements, completing an application, submitting a résumé or CV, completing an essay, submitting letters of recommendation from teachers and/or mentors, and giving a vocal or instrumental audition.

Master Of Science in Music: a graduate degree combines scientific methodologies with aspects of music theory, composition and performance, exploring subjects like acoustics, music perception and cognition, and music and emotion. Generally requires a written thesis or another final project demonstrating the student’ expertise by creating a composition portfolio, performance, or combination of the two. Specialization may include performance, composition, music theory and analysis, and music education. Typical admission requirements include holding a bachelor’s degree in music or a related field, submitting official transcripts, meeting the minimum GPA requirements, completing an application, submitting a résumé or CV, completing an essay, submitting letters of recommendation from teachers and/or mentors, and giving a vocal or instrumental audition.

Master Of Science in Music: a graduate degree combines scientific methodologies with aspects of music theory, composition and performance, exploring subjects like acoustics, music perception and cognition, and music and emotion. Specialization may include performance, composition, music theory and analysis, and music education. Typical admission requirements include holding a bachelor’s degree in music or a related field, submitting official transcripts, meeting the minimum GPA requirements, completing an application, submitting a résumé or CV, completing an essay, submitting letters of recommendation from teachers and/or mentors, and giving a vocal or instrumental audition.

Master Of Music: a graduate degree usually providing core courses in music theory, ear training, music history and performance. Degree specializations can include instrument or voice performance (piano, guitar, brass, strings, string bass, woodwinds, etc.), composition, music theory, musicology, conducting, music education and music therapy. Specialization may include performance, composition, music theory and analysis, and music education. Typical admission requirements include holding a bachelor’s degree in music or a related field, submitting official transcripts, meeting the minimum GPA requirements, completing an application, submitting a résumé or CV, completing an essay, submitting letters of recommendation from teachers and/or mentors, and giving a vocal or instrumental audition.

Last updated: 4/2/2024